dealing with the grief of loss
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dealing with the grief of loss

When you lose someone that is close to you, getting past the grief can be difficult and can take a very long time. So, how to you get past that grief without it consuming you? When I lost my husband to a car accident, I struggled for months trying to find my footing. I missed a lot of work, couldn't pay my bills and had a difficult time getting out of bed each morning. That was until I began going to grief counseling. This was one thing that I never thought that I would do, but it has helped me in so many ways. To learn about some of the tools that I have been using to get past this difficult time, visit my website.


dealing with the grief of loss

  • How Parents Can Provide The Best Mental Health Care For Their Kids

    9 June 2021

    Parenting is hard, and anybody can tell you that this is a difficult endeavor to embark on. While every parent wants to do the best for their child, it is hard to know exactly what the best thing is. How can you be sure that you are providing the best mental health care for your child, for example? As a parent, you might want to know how you can best care for your child's mental health.

  • 5 Key Things Provided By Troubled Youth Treatments

    11 March 2021

    Teens are more likely to rebel than any other age group. As they approach adulthood, many teenagers struggle to listen to the adults in their lives. When taken to an extreme, this rebelliousness and drive for individuality can cause teens to become disrespectful and difficult. If your teen is out of control and you don't know what to do, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Troubled youth treatments can help teenagers overcome their problematic behaviors by providing these five key things to teenagers:

  • 3 Tips For Women With ADHD

    29 December 2020

    ADHD tends to be under-diagnosed in women compared to men, partly because ADHD symptoms present differently in women. By the time a woman is officially diagnosed with ADHD, she may have felt overwhelmed and stressed for many years. Women with undiagnosed ADHD tend to find their daily life, relationships, and work-life in a constant state of chaos. Now that you've received an ADHD diagnosis, it's time to take control with these tips:

  • When Meddling Family Members Invade Your Marriage: Can Counseling Help?

    1 October 2020

    Family meddling is often portrayed by Hollywood as a funny thing but it's not actually humorous when it actually happens to you. If you have a meddling in-law, their behavior can actually invade your marriage, leading to some very un-funny complications that weaken or even break-up an otherwise happy union. Symptoms of Potentially Toxic Meddlers A lot of family (and friends) may meddle with good intentions, either offering advice from their own experiences or simply trying to help; however, when it turns into interference or makes you and/or your spouse feel bad about yourselves, each other, or how you're living your lives, that can invade a marriage in a negative way.

  • What Can PHP Treatment Do For You?

    16 July 2020

    Partial hospitalization program, or PHP, is a good option for many people looking for treatment services on par with residential recovery programs. For many people in addiction recovery, PHP poses itself as a solid option for making progress. Not sure how PHP can work for you? The answers to these questions can help you understand which treatment option is ideal for your situation. Who Does PHP Work For? PHP treatment is a good option for anybody who is looking to stay sober and receive treatment, especially in the initial days of release from a program.