dealing with the grief of loss
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dealing with the grief of loss

When you lose someone that is close to you, getting past the grief can be difficult and can take a very long time. So, how to you get past that grief without it consuming you? When I lost my husband to a car accident, I struggled for months trying to find my footing. I missed a lot of work, couldn't pay my bills and had a difficult time getting out of bed each morning. That was until I began going to grief counseling. This was one thing that I never thought that I would do, but it has helped me in so many ways. To learn about some of the tools that I have been using to get past this difficult time, visit my website.


dealing with the grief of loss

How To Get Help After Going Through A Difficult Time

Pedro Carr

Whether a loved one has passed away, whether you are going through a divorce, or for any other reason, being sad is a very normal emotion for going through tough times. Here are some things to consider that might help.

Helping Yourself - Start off by helping yourself through your sadness. Of course, time is a great healer, but there are other specific things that you can do, too.

  • Of course, you probably can't make yourself cry, but if you do, that's a good thing.
  • Make your body move! Exercising helps your body, your mind and your spirit. It can help you to heal. Consider joining a class which will also place you with other people.
  • It helps to smile. Easy as that might sound, there's something positive that happens when you smile that affects your mind.
  • Listening to music also helps to heal when you are very sad.
  • For some reason, taking a warm bath soothes, too.

Getting Help From Others - If you see that you aren't able to handle your sadness by yourself, consider getting help.

  • Sometimes just talking to a friend and pouring your heart out will be wonderful balm. It's important for you to express that you don't expect your friend to fix your problem, but that you just need a listening ear or maybe even a shoulder to cry on.
  • Consider going to an ecclesiastical leader. If you are a church attender you might already feel comfortable speaking with your minister, priest, rabbi or other religious leader. However,
  • Even if you don't attend church, consider asking a friend to introduce you to his or her religious leader. These experienced men and women often have the right words and counsel to help you through a rough time.
  • Perhaps being part of a grief group would help. If you can be with others who have had similar problems you may get the help you need. In turn, you might have the right words for somebody else who is going through a very rough time.
  • When you realize that your sadness has turned into something deeper, you might be experiencing clinical depression. Consider going to a professional counselor (like those at Albano Fischetti Counseling) to get the help you need. Besides setting up sessions where you can talk freely about the things you are experiencing, the counselor might connect you to a psychiatrist who will assess whether or not you would benefit from taking medication. Counseling paired with medication will often be the key in getting you back to a place where you can experience joy again.

Best wishes as you go through a difficult time in your life.
